You will need to have route on your linux box to the public network
(statically or with a routing protocol).

Are you aware of Peter Bieringer's site? Actual scripts tend to be tested on
redhat, but, the concepts should be reusable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio Querubin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: November 13, 2001 6:20 PM
To: Michael Malinak
Subject: Re: Need Linux Routing Help

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, Michael Malinak wrote:

> I've tried asking this in other forums (Mandrake Expert and other groups)
> but people suggested a more IPv6 oriented group so here it goes.
> I'm currently using hurricane electric as a tunnel from my linux box to
> 6bone.  I also have a /64 space allocated to my machine.  My linux box is
> running radvd.  This box functions as a NAT and firewall for my IPv4
> network.  I'm using a WindowsXP box behind the firewall and it configures
> with a vaild IP from the linux box.  Unfortunately when I try to ping6 out
> to an external site from the WindowsXP box (reachable from the linux
> machine).
> I get "Reply from <Linux box IPv6 IP> : destination address unreachable."
> I have IPv6 forwarding enabled, and the Windows XP box can ping6 the linux
> box.
> I cannont ping the WindowsXP box from the linux box though.
> I do have the following entries in my routing table:
> 3ffe:1200:3028:8082::1/128                  ::
> U     0      70       1 lo
> 3ffe:1200:3028:8082::/64                    ::
> UA    256    0        0 eth0
> And the WindowsXP has an ip with the   3ffe:1200:3028:8082 header.
> Sorry for the long and confusing post.
> Any hints?

You'll need to assign one of your global IPv6 addresses to the tunnel
interface.  For example:

ipv6 adu 2/3ffe:1200:3012:8082::1

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