JINMEI Tatuya / ???? wrote:

>>But maybe it works if I use IPv6-endpoints with the above rule.
>If you're using FreeBSD-4.5 RELEASE at the tunnel endpoint (as itojun
>said, one should always specify the OS and its version when asking a
>question), you should upgrade the box to 4.5-STABLE (the latest STABLE
>is usually the best).  FreeBSD-4.5 RELEASE has a bug in the TCP stack
>that kills IPv6 TCP connections established on a tunnel interface.
I'm using fbsd 4.5 stable, both recently (< 3 weeks) updated.
Having still the same bug(?)
I've posted this one a few months ago because I don't think it's a bug, 
but because I think I configure wrong when sending default directly in 
the tunnel.
So, the setup:
FBSD 4.4 connect with router adv. (A)--------- FBSD router(B) 
4.5-STABLE-------------- FBSD client(C)4.5 STABLE connected with gif tunnel

If I go from C to A my ssh-connection freezes when I have on C

Config on B:

2001:6a8:1904:5::/64 2001:6a8:1904:5::1 UGSc gif2
2001:6a8:1904:5::1 2001:6a8:ff::1 UHL gif2
root@abraham:~# ifconfig gif2
gif2: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
tunnel inet -->
inet6 fe80::280:c8ff:fe54:fcd0%gif2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc
inet6 2001:6a8:ff::1 --> 2001:6a8:1904:5::1 prefixlen 128

Config on C:
root# netstat -nr | grep gif0 | grep -v link
default gif0 ULSc gif0
2001:6a8:ff::1 2001:6a8:1904:5::1 UH gif0
root# ifconfig gif0
gif0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
tunnel inet -->
inet6 fe80::2e0:7dff:fe84:37d%gif0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x9
inet6 2001:6a8:1904:5::1 --> 2001:6a8:ff::1 prefixlen 128

If I send default to 2001:6a8:ff::1 on C and 2001:6a8:ff::1 through gif0 
I have no problems.

Kristof Verhenne | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.lugwv.be | http://www.bsdaemon.be
Running FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE
Man: 'mind if I smoke?' Steve: 'Mind if I fart...?'

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