--On Wednesday, December 03, 2003 06:45:37 AM +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> sorry to flood your mailbox the another mail but this would provide more
> details.
> ------------------------------------------------
> hi all,
> I am doing a test with the environment as follows:
> Two 6wind routers are crossed connected via ethernet_1 interfaces into
> simulate a WAN
> Laptop running Redhat9 is connected to ethernet_0 interface of the 1st
> router. Pinging can be done well.
> The strange thing happened when I moved the laptop to the ethernet_0 of
> the second router. I can  ping all interfaces but NOT the ethernet_0 that
> the laptop was connected previously. The error when ping6 failed was :
> Destination Unreachable : Address Unreachable
> and the ICMPv6 packets  was only 56 Bytes, instead of 64 Bytes as normal.
> A check at that moment showed : the Laptop is using auto-config IPv6
> address with prefix provided from the 2nd router.
> I suspect the problem was with the RH9 since WinXP on the same PC does not
> have this problem. 
> Your help is highly appreciated.

Have you take a look into the ND cache? Perhaps there is still an entry.

ip -6 neigh
ip -6 route

and look, whether the address of ethernet_0 of first router is still

Does it work after you cycle the interface via ifdown/ifup

Dr. Peter Bieringer                     http://www.bieringer.de/pb/
GPG/PGP Key 0x958F422D               mailto: pb at bieringer dot de 
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