Hi Stone,

> # PPG USER SETUP, for authorizing a specific push user
> group = wap-push-user
> wap-push-user = root
> ppg-username = foo
> ppg-password = bar
> #allowed-prefix = 40;60;70
> #denied-prefix = 50
> #white-list = http://localhost:8082/whitelist
> #black-list =  http://localhost:8082/blacklist
> allow-ip =
> #deny-ip =

you define here username and password

> the I followed the User' Guide,
> 1. gw/bearerbox pushkannel.conf
>    gw/wapbox pushkannel.conf
> 2. test/test_http_server -p 10001
> 3. test/tes_ppg -q http://localhost:10000

So you must supply them here (or add headers)


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