On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 18:55, Lars-Hendrik Schneider wrote:
> greetz to all folks out there ;),
> I'm starting with kannel but I experienced some problems. I try to compress 
> the information to the main aspects.

Please use kannel 1.1.6 or latest cvs (or snapshot) and AT2 module

> kannel.conf
> ########################################
> group = smsc
> smsc = at

smsc = at2

> modemtype = siemens-tc35
> device = /dev/ttyS0
> pin = 1xxx
> #my-number = 0162177xxx
> sms-center = +491722270xxx

copy doc/modems.conf to kannel.conf dir and
include = "/etc/kannel/modem.conf"
to include the modem definitions

> group = sms-service
> keyword = nop
> text = "You asked nothing and I did it!"
> group = sms-service
> keyword = default
> text = "No service spesified"
> ## this is the function i want to establish :(
> #group = sms-service
> #keyword = price
> #get-url = http://localhost/kannel_html/price/%s.htm
> #max-messages = 2
> #concatenation = true

Looks nice, just uncomment it and, just in case, add ""
to the url

> a) ok, then I sent a http-push to test the gateway:
> http://sputnik:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=tester&password=foobar&t
>  o=01623306xxx&text=Hello+World
> I retreive a website containing "Sent", the logfile of the smsbox contains 
> a log and even bearerbox is happy with one sent SMS. But I don't receive 
> anything.
> My idea is that there is a problem in the communication between kannel and 
> the modem. Can it depend on the settings??

Are you sending to yourself ? please check that out because when you fix
your configuration and kannel works, you'll have a loop ;)

> b)second problem is, that when I want to start smsbox with this:
> ## this is the function i want to establish :(
> group = sms-service
> keyword = price
> get-url = http://localhost/kannel_html/price/%s.htm
> max-messages = 2
> concatenation = true
> the smsbox says:
> 2002-05-02 04:40:03 [0] INFO: Service global sender set as '+491621774xxx'
> 2002-05-02 04:40:03 [0] INFO: Set up send sms service at port 13002
> 2002-05-02 04:40:03 [0] ERROR: No url, file or text spesified
> 2002-05-02 04:40:03 [0] ERROR: Couldn't create a URLTranslation.
> 2002-05-02 04:40:03 [0] PANIC: urltrans_add_cfg failed
> [root@sputnik root]#

(I wonder if kannel 1.03 just had url and not get-url... it could 
make this kind of error)

> who did I do wrong?? perhaps I need other setup of the modem? or 
> another config file? :(
> thnx for any hints - maybe these questions are newbie, but I have big probs 
> with the documentation...although I know, that this prog is real cool...

Please upgrade and tell us how it goes...

> greetz
> Lars-Hendrik
> -----------------------------
> lars-hendrik schneider
> http://www.trinityvision.de
> http://www.runetwork.de

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