>Dear Oded Arbel,
>Thanks for the response.
>But when I try to include the configurations for the smsbox
>as well bearerbox does not start at all.
>To run the bb (bearerbox) and the sb (smsbox) simultaneously I need to
>use different configuration files.
>I can specify only the core configurations in one file so that bb does
>not get confused and the sb configurations in a seperate config file
>so that sb can also run simultaneoulsy after it has successfully
>detected the bearerbox in the background.
>Can you provide a sample configuration file to run the basic
>bearerbox first? Any sample would do. If the smsc module
>configurations use a http smsc configuration all the more better.
Please read the user guide - it has all this clearly explained, as well 
as have configuration examples. thera are also configuration examples in 
the CVS and download package.

Also - allowing for the smsbox is not enough to keep bearerbox running - 
you must configure at least one SMSC module.

pay attention that the bearerbox / smsbox usually need to use the same 
configuration file, at which 3 _different_ port addresses are defined - 
one for the bearerbox to listen on to the smsbox, one for administration 
of the bearerbox, and one for the smsbox to listen to outgoing 
connections. the bearerbox will use the first two ports, and the smsbox 
will claim the last and then connect to the first port  - this is why is 
has to be the same configuration file for both boxes.

Again - read the user guide carefuly, it has all this clearly explained.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

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