>Hi all,
>I am trying to use Kannel as WAP&SMS Gateway. Initially i started with
>Gateway, using a GSM phone as modem and (after some trials) everything
>ok. Now i am testing kannel as WAP gateway. The idea is to establish a
>connection (dial-in) between a WAP phone and the GSM phone (connected to
>kannel) used as modem. But i had many problems !!!! I followed the instructions
>on the Kannel User Guide (about "Setting up a dial-up line") but after
>added the line "S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 -x 6 -D /dev/ttyS0"
>the file "/etc/inittab" (and the others explained on the guide) the GSM
>modem (Ericsson T39) doesn't answer automatically to the call of WAP phone
>(Nokia 9210) !!!! Probably i have a problem with mgetty. Below you can
>the mgetty log file:
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.26-Apr16
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   mgetty.c compiled at Jul 24 2001, 18:57:33
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   user id: 0, parent pid: 1
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   reading configuration data for port 'ttyS0'
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config...
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   conf lib: read: 'debug 9'
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   conf lib: read: 'speed 19200'
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   section: port ttyS0, **found**
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   conf lib: read: 'debug 9'
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   conf lib: read: 'data-only y'
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'speed', type=0, flags=3, data=19200
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'direct', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'blocking', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'port-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'port-group', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'port-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'toggle-dtr', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'toggle-dtr-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'need-dsr', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'data-only', type=3, flags=2, data=TRUE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-only', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'modem-quirks', type=0, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'init-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= \dATQ0V1H0
>OK ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1 OK
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'force-init-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= 
>\dATQ0V1H0 OK
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'post-init-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'data-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=1
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-send-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-rec-flow', type=4, flags=1, data=7
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'modem-check-time', type=0, flags=1, data=3600
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'rings', type=0, flags=1, data=1
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'msn-list', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'get-cnd-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'cnd-program', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'answer-chat', type=2, flags=1, data= ATA CONNECT
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'answer-chat-timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=80
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'autobauding', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'ringback', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'ringback-time', type=0, flags=1, data=30
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'issue-file', type=1, flags=1, data=/etc/issue
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'prompt-waittime', type=0, flags=1, data=500
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'login-prompt', type=1, flags=1, data=@ login:
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'login-time', type=0, flags=1, data=240
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fido-send-emsi', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'login-conf-file', type=1, flags=1, data=login.config
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=1, data=49 115 xxxxxxxx
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-min-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=0
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-max-speed', type=0, flags=1, data=14400
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-server-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'diskspace', type=0, flags=1, data=1024
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'notify', type=1, flags=1, data=faxadmin
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-owner', type=1, flags=1, data=uucp
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-group', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-mode', type=0, flags=1, data=432
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'fax-spool-in', type=1, flags=1, 
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'debug', type=0, flags=2, data=6
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'statistics-chat', type=2, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'statistics-file', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'gettydefs', type=1, flags=1, data=n
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   key: 'term', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0  check for lockfiles
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   checklock: stat failed, no file
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0  locking the line
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
>10/17 01:11:36 yS0   lock made
>10/17 01:11:37 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
>10/17 01:11:37 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
>10/17 01:11:37 yS0   tss: set speed to 19200 (016)
>10/17 01:11:37 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
>10/17 01:11:37 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
>10/17 01:11:37 yS0  send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
>10/17 01:11:38 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
>10/17 01:11:38 yS0   got:
>10/17 01:11:58 yS0  timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
>10/17 01:11:58 yS0  init chat timed out, trying force-init-chat
>10/17 01:11:58 yS0  send: \d[10][03]\d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]\dATQ0V1H0[0d]
>10/17 01:12:02 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
>10/17 01:12:02 yS0   got:
>10/17 01:12:22 yS0  timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
>10/17 01:12:22 yS0  init chat failed, exiting...: Interrupted system call
>10/17 01:12:22 ##### failed in mg_init_data, dev=ttyS0, pid=1742
>Please help me !!!!
>I have also another question (sorry i know i am boring you):
>If i try to launch kannel (after the file /etc/inittab was modified) i
>a problem because the device ttyS0 is locked (by mgetty) !!! So probably
>it's impossible to use only one GSM Modem for sms and wap traffic. Is it
>right ???? Below there is my configuration file for kannel:
>group = core
>admin-port = 13000
>smsbox-port = 13001
>wapbox-port = 9201
>admin-password = bar
>wdp-interface-name = "*"
>#status-password = foo
>#admin-deny-ip = ""
>#admin-allow-ip = ""
>log-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel.log"
>log-level = 0
>box-deny-ip = ""
>box-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>unified-prefix = "0039,+39"
>access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
>store-file = "/var/log/kannel/store.txt"
>#ssl-certkey-file = "mycertandprivkeyfile.pem"
>group = smsc
>smsc = at2
>modemtype = ericsson_t39
>device = /dev/ttyS0
>speed = 9600
>keepalive = 10
>sim-buffering = true
>group = modems
>name = Ericsson_t39
>id = ericsson_t39
>#detect-string ="ERICSSON"
>#detect-string2 = "1130102-BVT39m"
>init-string = "AT+CNMI=3,3,2"
>keepalive-cmd = "AT+CSCS="8859-1""
>enable-hwhs = ""
>no-pin = true
>message-storage = "ME"
>group = smsbox
>bearerbox-host = localhost
>sendsms-port = 13013
>global-sender = 13013
>#sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-"
>log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
>log-level = 0
>access-log = "access.log"
>group = wapbox
>bearerbox-host = localhost
>log-file = "/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log"
>log-level = 0
>syslog-level = none
>force-sar = true
>smart-errors = true
>group = sendsms-user
>username = tester
>password = foobar
>#user-deny-ip = ""
>#user-allow-ip = ""
># this sender is for Kannel relay testing (http_smsc)
>group = sendsms-user
>username = kannel
>password = rL4y
>user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>user-allow-ip = ""
>group = sms-service
>keyword = nop
>text = "You asked nothing and I did it!"
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>Abbonati subito, entro il 31 ottobre l'attivazione e i consumi sono Gratis!

Nuova Tiscali ADSL da 12,95 euro al mese.
Abbonati subito, entro il 31 ottobre l'attivazione e i consumi sono Gratis!


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