i am having a problem pushing to the CMG SMSC.
the pull services works great, once i entered the system-version = 33 thanks to you!!!
however PUSH does not work the message is sent to my access.log file but not to my phone..
bellow is my SMPP and PUSH settings
could it have something to do with the NPI and TON setting?
when i try autodetect i get a error on my box.. can't connect to bearer.
group = smsc
#system-id = "INFOSERVICE"
smsc-id = "INFOSERVICE"
smsc = smpp
keepalive = 5
host = 172.16..x.x
port = 5016
receive-port = 5016
smsc-username = "DIGI"
smsc-password = "INFO"
system-type = ""
address-range = ""
interface-version = 33
group = sendsms-user
username = ksolo
password = juve
#user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
#user-allow-ip = ""
max-messages = 10
#concatenation = true

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