I tried sending SMS throught http request and was successful but when i
looked through the logs and noticed somethinig different.


2003-02-21 12:29:44 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:13013 target:xxxx request: 'Hello world'

2003-02-21 12:33:30 FAILED Send SMS [SMSC:siemens1] [SVC:tester] [ACT:]
[from:13013] [to:xxxx] [flags:0:1:0:0:0] [msg:3:nop] [udh:0:]

However, i DID receive my sms! Is this a misconfiguration? Can anyone
point me the error?

I tried sending a SMS to the gateway. But how do i retrieve this sms?
Through http? what are the commands?

2) Is there an easier interface for kannel? I cant seem to download
webkannel linked from www.kannel.org. It seems to be broken.

3) Would it be possible to use kannel as my SMSC when i want to send
from a mobilephone(A) to mobilephone(B)? What do I need to do? Do i
just change the settings from my phone to point to the gateway's SIM
card number? It doesnt seem to work for me.

4) Has anyone found any other interesting uses for kannel and would
like to share? e.g. some experiments that u made played around with
using smsbox / wapbox etc.

your help is most appreciated.

i installed kannel-mysql-1.3.0.rpm

My kannel.conf:

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
smsbox-port-ssl = no
admin-password = bar
wapbox-port = 13002
wapbox-port-ssl = no
log-file = "/tmp/bearbox.log"
box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ""
access-log = "/tmp/bearbox-access.log"
store-file = "/tmp/kannel.store"

group = smsc
smsc = at
smsc-id = "siemens1"
modemtype = siemens-tc35
device = /dev/ttyS0


group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13013
global-sender = 13013
sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-"
log-file = "/tmp/smsbox.log"
#log-level = 0
access-log = "/tmp/sms-access.log"


group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar


group = sms-service
keyword = www
get-url = "http://%s";
concatenation = true
header = "hoho"

group = sms-service
keyword = nop
text = "You asked nothing and I did it!"

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