
you have 2 options to resolve this issue:
1) try to set 'alt-dcs = true' in smsc group
2) ask smsc guys which charset this smsc uses as default and set it in smsc
group 'alt-charset = XXX'

Ghost wrote:

> Hello all,
> I noticed that text gets truncated when at "@" sign is
> in the text. Please, how do I get Kannel SMPP gateway
> to correctly encode it.
> Waiting for an answer PLEASE!!
> Thanks in advance.
> =====
> Sometimes it rains on the just. I believe that.
> Sometimes it rains on the unjust. I believe that too.
> Sometimes it just rains,
> Neither God nor belief nor justice has anything to do with it.
> The great thing about suicide is that it is not one of those things you
> have to do now or you loose your chance.  I mean, you can always do it
> later.
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