Appears that CNMI changed during message sending.

Is there a way to force init-string command after message sent ?



On Jun 17, 2008, at 1:42 PM, LoLoVioLo wrote:

Hi all,

Following advices on this mailing list - I am now using kannel with a Siemens S45 as SMSC.

however I still have a problem. almost all received message are not handled by kannel.

I use kannel mainly to send SMS and not really as a SMS services system. Anyway I'd like to be able to use services now.
The fact is that I send thousands of SMS a day and receive hundreds.

The problem is that almost all received messages are stored into mobile phone and not routed to kannel.

The config is the following :

group = modems
id = siemens_sl45
name = "Siemens SL45"
detect-string = "SIEMENS"
detect-string2 = "SL45"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,2,2,1"
keepalive-cmd = "AT+CBC;+CSQ"
speed = 19200
enable-hwhs = "AT\\Q3"
need-sleep = true

Appears that this config is ok as when I launch kannel everything is ok and received messages are correctly routed to kannel.

The problem comes when launched on production. When the "flow" of messages to send arrives - messages are no more handled correctly and stored in Phone SIM.

For exemple : during a day session 10000 SMS sent and only 15 received in kannel (200 SMS in phone)

I had a look in logs but I saw no errors - It seems like AT+CNMI is back to 0 and no more route messages to kannel.

I saw some AT + CNMA sometimes that I suppose is the reason but what can I do ?

Thanks for your help.



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