
That is not a kannel problem but a php problem. Contact people off list as they may be willing to help.

On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:33 PM, denis bahati wrote:

Hi All,

I'm having a problem with pushing SMS with Curl function, I can send sms with only one word like "hello" but I cannot send SMS with more that one Word like "Hello there" separeted with space. I dont know what problem with my configuration or is just my PHP code. What i'm now doing is to use javascript to call the kannel url so that i can push SMS. The problem with javascript is that, it directing me to a blank page displaying only 0: delivered which does not sound to the user. Please any one used curl in pushing SMS can help me.

example of messages:


this will work fine.

$msg="hello there what are you doing";

 Does not work and does not display any error message.

Any idea?


Simon Peter Otandeka,
IT Department,
SMS Media Ltd.
Mob: +256 782 801124
Office: +256 312 261168

“The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work.”

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