Pls send your the sample post URL.I think you need to use the bellow flag true 
in URL.

Sample URL looks like,

--- On Tue, 13/10/09, Pete Kelly <> wrote:

From: Pete Kelly <>
Subject: Problems getting messges to concatenate.
Date: Tuesday, 13 October, 2009, 3:46 AM


I am in the process of setting up Kannel so I can send SMS's from a
web application. I am using the cgi-bin/sendsms interface to send a
GET request into kannel, which kannel is then forwarding on to my http

However Kannel is not concatenating the SMS's which I send in via the
cgi-bin/sendsms call. When I send a long message in, the smsbox logs

2009-10-13 11:35:50 [28313] [3] DEBUG: message length 208, sending 1 messages

I would expect a message of length 208 to be split into 2 messages.

Furthermore, the message which is sent on to my http smsc contains
only the first part of the SMS, the second part is lost somewhere
within kannel.

Do you have any advice as to how I can configure Kannel to split the
message into more than one message, and send each one to the smsc?

my kannel.conf is pasted below:

group = core
admin-port = 13000
admin-password = bar
admin-allow-ip = ""
smsbox-port = 13003
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
dlr-storage = internal
sms-resend-retry = 10
sms-resend-freq = 2
sms-combine-concatenated-mo = true

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13020
sendsms-url = "/cgi-bin/sendsms"
sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-" # "0123456789 +-" is default
#mo-recode = true
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
http-request-retry = 10
log-level = 0

group = sendsms-user
username = "test"
password = "test"
concatenation = true

group = smsc
smsc = "http"
smsc-id = "testsmsc"
system-type = generic
smsc-username = ****
smsc-password = ****
port = 13015
send-url = 
status-success-regex = "success"
status-permfail-regex = "failure"
status-tempfail-regex = "retry"
reconnect-delay = 120
allowed-prefix-regex = ^44

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