you have in your sim card 19 messages well received, but for the twentieth
message displays errure 321

2010-01-04 11:25:29 [3737] [7] DEBUG: AT2[Huawei-E220]: --> AT+CMGR=20^M
2010-01-04 11:25:29 [3737] [7] DEBUG: AT2[Huawei-E220]: <-- AT+CMGR=20
2010-01-04 11:25:29 [3737] [7] DEBUG: AT2[Huawei-E220]: <-- +CMS ERROR: 321
2010-01-04 11:25:29 [3737] [7] ERROR: AT2[Huawei-E220]: CMS ERROR:
2010-01-04 11:25:29 [3737] [7] ERROR: AT2[Huawei-E220]: CMS ERROR:

I advice you to delet all messages but via MINICOM

sudo apt-get install minicom --------------> / debian
select device / dev/ttyUSB0

after typing: AT + CMGD / / (command name in text: Delete message)

ps:with minicom you would also initialization string for your modem

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