
Google is your friend...
 Search in Google for "kannel esm_class" and all the first links
contain the answer.



On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 6:55 AM, Malthe Borch <> wrote:
> Hi list, ––
> Browsing the list archives, I can't seem to find an answer to this, so
> an up-front apology for asking this for the nth time.
> Either as a response to an SMS service request, or directly using SMS
> send, how do I set the SMPP ``esm_class`` to something other than the
> default 3 = 0x00000003?
> I've tried using ``mclass`` as the CGI parameter as well as providing
> the ``X-Kannel-MClass`` request (or response) header.
> Help appreciated,
> \malthe

Juan Nin
3Cinteractive / Mobilizing Great Brands

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