
Is this Kannel question or basic programming issue? Load your msisdn list
from file or anywhere else to your table like you do for a single record.

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 5:59 AM, Harbhag Singh Sohal <harbhag.so...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I am using the following query to send sms
> INSERT INTO send_sms (
>  momt, sender, receiver, msgdata, sms_type
> ) VALUES (
>  'MT', '1234', '1234567890', 'Hello world', 2
> );
> I can send message to the single number without any problem but I want
> to know how can I send message to multiple numbers. From http
> interface I can achieve this by simply typing multiple numbers with +
> sign between them.

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