Alex...that's fantastic. :)

Willy.. have you tested this with wappush? Am going to do that presently.


2010/11/19 Alejandro Guerrieri <>

> With the latest version, yes. It's mentioned on the UPGRADE file:
> ====
> ***** IMPORTANT NOTICE *****
> If you're upgrading from a version BEFORE 2010-11-11 (0.7.x and
> lower), please note that the format for the msgdata and udhdata
> columns is now url-encoded. That probably means that if you use
> inserts on send_sms to send MT, YOU WILL NEED TO MODIFY YOUR
> ====
> Regards,
> Alex
> 2010/11/19 Kenny <>
> Alex, Are you saying one has to url-encode before passing data into msgdata
>> and udhdata? Please confirm.
>> --
>> Regards
>> Kenny
>> 2010/11/19 Alejandro Guerrieri <>
>> Sqlbox now uses url-encode for msgdata and udhdata, this shouldn't be an
>>> issue.
>>> I'll try to reproduce the error locally and let you know what I find.
>>> Are you using latest sqlbox and kannel?
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex
>>> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Peter <> wrote:
>>>> Willie.
>>>> Thank u,
>>>> the patch is not commited
>>>> I tested  with the patch but still get
>>>> 2010-11-19 12:19:47 [14060] [3] DEBUG: smsbox_to_bearerbox: sms received
>>>> 2010-11-19 12:19:48 [14060] [4] ERROR: MYSQL: You have an error in your
>>>> SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
>>>> for the right syntax to use near ''id:1365419169 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit
>>>> date:1011191020 done date:1011191020 sta' at line 1
>>>> 2010-11-19 12:19:50 [14060] [4] ERROR: MYSQL: You have an error in your
>>>> SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
>>>> for the right syntax to use near ''id:1365419169 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit
>>>> date:1011191120 done date:1011191020 sta' at line 1
>>>> ...
>>>> Alejandro can you comment on that?
>>>> Is there a way out.
>>>> Στις 19-11-2010, ημέρα Παρ, και ώρα 17:05 +0700, ο/η Willy Mularto
>>>> έγραψε:
>>>> static Octstr *get_string_value_or_return_null(Octstr *str) { static
>>>> Octstr *nul = NULL;
>>>>     if (str == NULL) {         return octstr_create("NULL");     }
>>>> if (octstr_compare(str, octstr_imm("")) == 0) {         return
>>>> octstr_create("NULL");     }     octstr_replace(str, octstr_imm("\\"),
>>>> octstr_imm("\\\\"));     octstr_replace(str, octstr_imm("\'"),
>>>> octstr_imm("\\\'"));     if (NULL == nul) { nul = octstr_create("");
>>>> octstr_append_char(nul, 0x00); } octstr_replace(str, nul,
>>>> octstr_imm("\0"));     return octstr_format("\'%S\'", str); }
>>>>   ------------------------------
>>>> *Dr. Peter Kontopoulos*
>>>> CTO
>>>> 2, Parnassou St.
>>>> 10561 Athens, GREECE
>>>> *T:* +30 210 3258 350 *F:* +30 210 3258 359
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