
My operator requires that i set esm_class: to be 64 for long messages.
I am using SQLBOX and the default value i see in log as shown below is
3. Please how do I achieve this? I have used `coding` at 0,1 and 2
without any positive effect.

Kindly help.


2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG: SMPP[Route3]: throughput (0.00,0.00)
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG: SMPP[Route3]: Sending PDU:
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x92f1ec8 dump:
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   type_name: submit_sm
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   command_id: 4 = 0x00000004
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 4 = 0x00000004
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   service_type: NULL
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   source_addr_ton: 2 = 0x00000002
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   source_addr_npi: 1 = 0x00000001
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   source_addr: "123434"
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   dest_addr_ton: 1 = 0x00000001
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   dest_addr_npi: 1 = 0x00000001
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   destination_addr: "67***********"
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   esm_class: 3 = 0x00000003
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   protocol_id: 0 = 0x00000000
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   priority_flag: 0 = 0x00000000
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   schedule_delivery_time: NULL
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   validity_period: NULL
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   registered_delivery: 0 = 0x00000000
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   replace_if_present_flag: 0 = 0x00000000
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   data_coding: 0 = 0x00000000
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   sm_default_msg_id: 0 = 0x00000000
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   sm_length: 592 = 0x00000250
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:   short_message:
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:    Octet string at 0x92d02b8:
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:      len:  592
2011-06-20 13:02:41 [30294] [6] DEBUG:      size: 593

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