
you have to send metadata in your request that include tlv name. Please check 
metadata section in userguide.


Am 01.04.2012 um 12:55 schrieb Michael Farouk:

> Dears,
> I faced problem kannel 1.5.0 in the tariff code; I connect with the USA 
> operator with the SMPP protocol so I have a TLV parameter for the tariff code 
> (0x1401) the following my TLV configuration:
> group = smpp-tlv
> name = TLV-nameā€¦.
> tag = 0x1401
> type = octetstring
> length = 20
> smsc-id = xxxxx
> Also in the MT ULR to send message I add the parameter binfo=C500 it mean the 
> handset will be charge the 5 dollars, when use the wireshark to check the 
> packet between my kannel server and SMSC I cannot see the optional parameter 
> so this message not charge with 5 dollars.
> So I need to help to solve my problem,
> Best Regards
> Michael

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