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SVN access to source code

You can look at the current development version of the sources directly
from our subversion control system. We use SVN, so you need to install that
first. (See for example <> for a
source distribution, or your Linux distribution for ready-to-install

   1. Get sources using the following command

   svn co<project>/trunk

   where <project> is: gateway, sqlbox or opensmppbox.

   2. Later, when you want to check whether there have been changes, do the

   cd gateway
   svn up

If you want to send us patches, please send the output of svn diff. Please
send the patches as plain text attachments to

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Willy Mularto <> wrote:

> I need to download some CVS versions of Kannel. Does anybody has the link
> to access the CVS?
>    Willy Mularto
> F300HD+MR18DE (NLC1725)

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