
We are having a weird issue with opensmppbox + kannel. 

When a single user is trying to establish a connection with our SMPP server, 
the gap between SMPP Bind_transceiver and Bind_transceiver resp: "ok" packets 
is about 1-1.5 seconds. So everything is ok. But when we have, say, 20 users 
who are trying to establish the connection with SMPP server simultaneously this 
gap becomes 10-20 seconds. 

This 10-20 seconds gap is a huge problem for us because sometimes clients have 
5 seconds time out for connection establishment and when for example we restart 
kannel or opensmppbox all the clients start reconnecting simultaneously  and 
due to this gap many of them can never establish the connection. 

Does anybody know what can cause a situation like this ? 

We're using the version from svn trunk.

This is a very basic configuration from our test server:


group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = 1
log-file = "/opt/kannel/log/kannel.log"
log-level = 0
dlr-storage = internal
store-file = "/opt/kannel/data/kannel.store"
group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = ""
sendsms-port = 13003

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = id
host =
port = 3700
transceiver-mode = 1
smsc-username = "login"
smsc-password = "password"
system-type = "VMA"
address-range = ""
log-file = "/opt/kannel/log/smsc-operator.log"
log-level = 0 


group = core
dlr-storage = internal
group = opensmppbox
opensmppbox-id = smppbox
opensmppbox-port = 2775
bearerbox-host = localhost
bearerbox-port = 13001
log-level = 0
log-file = /opt/kannel/log/opensmppbox.log
our-system-id =
use-systemid-as-smsboxid = true
route-to-smsc = Singtel
smpp-logins = "/opt/kannel/conf/smpplogins.txt"



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