What’s your config?


Van: Davor Spasoski [mailto:davor.spaso...@onevip.mk] 
Verzonden: woensdag 28 september 2016 10:37
Aan: Rene Kluwen <rene.klu...@chimit.nl>
CC: users@kannel.org
Onderwerp: RE: smsc-id


And then setting the smsc-route properly results in opensmppbox crashing
like this:


*** Error in `/vas/bin/opensmppbox': munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer:
0x0000000001f6f8a0 ***





From: users [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] On Behalf Of Davor Spasoski
Sent: 25 September 2016 21:52
To: Rene Kluwen <rene.klu...@chimit.nl <mailto:rene.klu...@chimit.nl> >
Cc: users@kannel.org <mailto:users@kannel.org> 
Subject: RE: smsc-id


OK, I got-it. Smsbox-id will actually be populated with system-type or
system-id. Hard to read those xml files :)



From: Davor Spasoski 
Sent: 25 September 2016 21:40
To: 'Rene Kluwen' <rene.klu...@chimit.nl <mailto:rene.klu...@chimit.nl> >
Cc: users@kannel.org <mailto:users@kannel.org> 
Subject: RE: smsc-id


Hi Rene,


Thank you for your reply. The reason I missed the smsc-route is because I
relied on a pdf version of the manual online and the whole group was missing

Now I went throught the xml manual but still couldn’t find any system-id or
system-type syntax under the smsc-route group.

When I added something like:

Group = sms-route

Smsc-id = smsc1

System-id = vasgw or system-type = vasgw


I got:

ERROR: Group 'smsc-route' (or smsc-type) may not contain field 'system-type'


I’ve downloaded the opensmppbox from svn co

What is the proper syntax for system-id or system-type directive under



Davor Spasoski 

M: + 389 75 400 608 
e-mail:  <mailto:davor.spaso...@onevip.mk> davor.spaso...@onevip.mk 

one.Vip DOO Skopje | Filip Vtori Makedonski 3, DC Soravia 8th floor | 1000
Skopje | Macedonia 


From: Rene Kluwen [mailto:rene.klu...@chimit.nl] 
Sent: 24 September 2016 15:45
To: Davor Spasoski <davor.spaso...@onevip.mk
<mailto:davor.spaso...@onevip.mk> >
Cc: users@kannel.org <mailto:users@kannel.org> 
Subject: RE: smsc-id


Check the opensmppbox user guide for group = smsc-route.

You can either use system-id or system-type for that. This is also covered
in that same manual.


== Rene



Van: Davor Spasoski [mailto:davor.spaso...@onevip.mk] 
Verzonden: donderdag 22 september 2016 10:06
Aan: rene.klu...@chimit.nl <mailto:rene.klu...@chimit.nl> 
Onderwerp: smsc-id


Dear Rene,


My apology for contacting you directly because I’ve previously posted a
question on the user forum and also on the feature tracker on
redmine.kannel.org. I don’t see any recent project activy lately, so I took
the liberty to contact you.


My setup is such that opensmppbox+kannel should act as a sort of transparent
smpp proxy and pass system-id/password from one side to the other for a
bunch of ESME. This is so, because our new SMSC host a) doesn’t allow direct
access and b) has a pair of SMSC. To avoid client disruption, I will
preserve the single ip and port of the old SMSC and assign-it to
opensmppbox, which means I will not have the liberty to run multiple
opensmppbox instances. On the bearerbox side I will connet to the SMSC pair
as many times as the number of clients. That means that I will have 2 x ESME
number smscs and ESME number of smsc-ids


As is the current feature set of opensmppbox, I cannot assign smsc-id per
client (system-id) entry in the clients.conf file and SMS from all ESME will
be balanced across all smscs which is a big no in my case. I need certain
system-ids to be routed to exactly the allowed smsc(s) and vice versa.


Unfortunatelly, my programming knowledge is limited to php and touching the
C code is risky for me. Would you like to at least point in which way to
intervene in the code and I could find someone who knows C to write the
actual code?


Thanks for reading, I’m hoping on a response.



Davor Spasoski 




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