You have to do that when calling the  send-url from the application sending the text.
You don’t need to url encode utf-8 characters (apart from the special url signs) as kannel expects utf-8. Your application should ne set to communicate in utf-8 as well, whic it probably does because you see the text properly in the log files, only kannel doesn’t know that you want to use ucs-2 and is thus transcoding and replacing anything outside GSM 7-bit with ?

On May 6, 2020, at 21:18, Milos Savic <> wrote:

Hi Davor,

Thank you for you reply.

I tried to add &coding=2 to send-url under smsc http group, but nothing happens. The coding parameter does end up in the dummy service. If you meant to add that to the application sending the request - unfortunately, I am not able to do that.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 9:05 PM Davor Spasoski <> wrote:

You also need to set coding=2 and charset to utf-8. Only in that case kannel will know that you are submitting something outside the gsm 7-bit alphabet.


On May 6, 2020, at 20:44, Milos Savic <> wrote:


I am testing a kannel installation which is supposed to send sms between a python service and a sms aggregator. Regular SMSs work, so I replaced the receiver with a service for testing purposes, which only logs outgoing messages.

I am using kannel from Ubuntu repositories, version 1.4.4-5, with a generic type smsc, directed to my dummy receiving service, with 

send-url = "" href="http://proxy:9999/send?from=%P&to=&p&text=%b&message_id=%I" target="_blank" class=""> http://proxy:9999/send?from=%P&to=&p&text=%b&message_id=%I

What happens is that I send a test message with utf-8 characters, such as šđčćžшђчћж, and at the end I get a message "????? ?????", with all characters replaced with question marks.

smsbox log shows a valid message, "sendsms sender:____ (<ip address>) to: <recipient> msg:<šđčćž шђчћж>, all charactes valid and shown properly.

the matching bearerbox log entry states:
Parsing URL `http://proxy:9999/send?from=8088&to=<encoded recipient>&text=%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F+%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F&message_id=<uuid of the message'

The request at the proxy is, of course, equivalent to the parsed query.

What happens to UTF8 characters? I tried alt-charset on smsc, but that made no changes at all. It seems to me that they get lost somewhere in communication between smsbox and smsc (according to logs).

Any hints on solving this would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

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