On 02/08/2023 00:50, Mike Scott wrote:
On 01/08/2023 10:32, Steve Edmonds wrote:
Are the goings on with LO from the LO website using the OS native file dialogue and the goings on stop when using the LO file dialogue. If so it would point to a bug in LO.

OS native fails; AFAICT the LO-peculiar dialogues work OK. Does look like an LO issue; but how come lots of others aren't seeing the same, and how come it's so seemingly random?

(Not that I'm changing which I use: sorry, but the LO dialogue boxes I find confusingly different.)

I posed a question a few weeks ago about "Save As" not having a suggested file name in the "Name" field, I had no replies possibly because no one else saw this incorrect behaviour. I see issues in KDE Dolphin, are you seeing the issues in MATE Caja. Has the issue been observed in Gnome Nautilus.

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