
I am designing a bunch of templates for a small business, e.g.

* blank template with just the logo
* invoice
* official letter
* meeting minutes

The last three are all just based off the first one, and it pains me to make a copy of the template. Is there a way to inherit from a master template?

Or maybe there is a smart way to have just one template for everything, and then easily choose from whatever content template is required in the current case?

Thanks for any input!

martin krafft | https://matrix.to/#/#madduck:madduck.net
no. no musicals. i loathe musicals. i never did have a plan for
doing one. my cousin made me sit through some fucking musical twice.
i just hate them. they bore me stiff. i think they’re just horrible.
even _hair_. and they're always lousy music.
               -— john lennon, _the lost interviews_ by ray connolly
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spamtraps: madduck.bo...@madduck.net
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