I have a problem. Oftentimes when I press the button on my KVM to return to
my desktop and Fedora 36, the screen is black and unresponsive.
I have to log in through SSH and restart lightdm (systemctl restart
Problem is that it resets my sessions and some programs like cura do not
like that and even trash their configuration files.
Looking through the system log I do not see any problem at the time I made
the switch back to the desktop.

1. How can I troubleshoot why sometimes I can come back and othertimes I
2. Is there any less destructive way to recover the display than restarting

I do not have that problem with my other computer, but then,  I use it as a
fileserver and it does not have that many programs installed.

 |O O|  pepeb...@gmail.com
 ~~~~     Javier Perez
 ~~~~          While the night runs
 ~~~~          toward the day...
  m m       Pepebuho watches
                from his high perch.
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