On 3/21/24 12:20, Robert McBroom via users wrote:

On 3/20/24 10:32 AM, Jerry James wrote:
On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 7:49 AM Robert McBroom via users
<users@lists.fedoraproject.org>  wrote:
Recently libvirtd.service is not starting on boot. I have to manually
start it with systemctl start libvirtd.

Do I need to put that command in a startup script?
libvirtd.service is socket activated, so it should run automatically
when needed.  Does something not work if you don't start it manually?

virt- manager starts but says it cannot connect to anything. I have six virtual machines I use for various purposes.

systemctl status libvirtd

shows disabled and dead. After starting it manually all machines are present.

Status then shows

systemctl status libvirtd
●libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; preset: disabled)


systemctl enable libvirtd

would change the preset notation but it didn't

It doesn't. That's the system preset. "enable" only changes the first enabled/disable option, but that overrides the preset, so it should be starting at boot if you've rebooted since changing that setting.

You can use "journalctl -b -u libvirtd" to find out what has happened.
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