On 30 Mar at 17:46, Eddie O'Connor <eoconno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>...and while I'm not a developer?...I would LOVE to BE
> one!...as my son is now college bound and I don't have "babies" to tend
> to...I work from home...and if I could learn the framework and
> languages?..I would SO volunteer, I'm a "spry" 52 yr old...who's been in IT
> since '99...

I've been a developer since I got out of college ~1976. I don't know how
spry I am, but I am 70 and still rockin' as my own consultant.

Actually--I was a full-time developer through around 2004, when I went out
on my own. Incorporated my own business as an IT Consultant. Specialized
in SMBs (Small/Medium Businesses), since I'd observed they get screwed
by the consulting firms.

Since that time, I've done much less software development. Why? How many
times can I rewrite the same solution, in different languages, for the
same problems?  That got tiring. I'm not saying that you shouldn't go for
it--you *haven't* gone through my decades of development, and it's
amazingly rewarding when you get in the groove.

> I guess we all have fantasy jobs though eh?

Don't just treat it as fantasy. When I went to create my own company at
51, I had a friend who griped, "You can't do that! You're too old!". Foo
on him. Go for what you want!

> Thanks to all the devs and code maintainers who make Fedora a possibility
> for a dweeb lile me!! You guys and gals ROCK!!

I re-wrote "cut" and "paste" and submitted them to Gnu back in the '80s. It
was both gratifying and amazingly painful (BTL lawyers were not best
pleased. Fortunately, I did it "by the book"--got permission from my BTL
consultant manager, made sure I didn't look at the original source code,
etc.) so I ended up clean. Open Source is the way to keep things moving and
surviving. If you want to get into it, DO IT!

        Dave Ihnat
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