On 08/29/2011 05:23 PM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
>> I've tried GNOME 3 for a couple of months and I really don't like it[1].

I still remember the times when KDE4 was born. It was terrible comparing 
to 3.5. After a while it was started to evolved, it became more stable 
and more user friendly.

> Seems nobody likes it (me included). Frankly, Gnome3 is broken by design and
> a f*cking piece of cr*p :-)

Everybody have the right to hate gnome3, but in my opinion hating won't 
help. You have couple of options:
1. start to contribute and make it better.
2. wait until someone else makes it better.
3. Jump to different DE.
If you choose option 3 then you have several alternatives (in no 
particular order) : E17, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, gnome2-fork etc. But keep in 
mind that none of them is perfect, nor suits everybody's needs.

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