On 08/30/2011 04:49 PM, William Case wrote:

> After using Gnome 3 for about 3 weeks I really, really, want a toolbox
> or several of them.  A toolbox is combination of the current Desktop
> file, a file, a favourites bar and a docker. Here is how I see a toolbox
> working.

You think about something like the Activities in KDE?

> I would like the Gnome developers to double check that everything that
> can be done on a keyboard can also be done with a mouse movement or
> click.  For example, I would like to have a mouse equivalent to Ctrl+Alt
> +up arrow/down arrow.  Perhaps a brisk up or down motion with the mouse
> cursor -- or something. It is the constant switching and reaching from
> the keyboard to the mouse and back again that is a PIA. I am equally as
> happy using just one or the other.
You can use easystroke
yum install easystroke

> Also, I would like an equivalent to Alt+F2 that gets the little black
> 'run' pop up but for searching the internet.
You may want to use synapse
yum install synapse

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