On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Peter Butler <pbut...@pt.com> wrote:
> How would one go about applying FC16 updates to a system with no Internet
> access?
> The system will be freshly installed via DVD, and then requires all the
> associated updates.  Is there any way to download the updates on another
> machine (that has Internet access), copy them over to the target system
> and apply them that way?  i.e. create a 'local' repository so to speak?

It will be up to you to figure out what specifically needs updating, but yes.

I do this, not for lack of internet access, but because I do a lot of
packaging on my own, both test packages and a few that are not
available in Fedora or RPM Fusion.

I setup directory structure like this:

I also create a:

and dump all the packages from the DVD on that so if I want to install
something that's unchanged it pulls it from there instead of
downloading it.

After you put all the packages in the directories just run

createrepo /path/to/root/of/repo
createrepo /var/local/packages/local/16

Then when you add packages run:
createrepo --update /var/local/packages/local/16

which only looks for changes so it's faster than creating the repo from scratch.

Then just create a local.repo file pointing to that directory. Since
you don't have internet access it won't matter, you'll have to set all
the other ones "enabled=0", but if that wasn't the case you can set
"cost=500" Default is 1000 I think so that way the local repo is
preferred over the online repo in the case of duplicate packages.

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