Am 17.06.2013 02:25, schrieb lee:
> Joe Zeff <> writes:
>> On 06/15/2013 08:40 PM, lee wrote:
>>> When the hardware has gone so bad that I can't start mcelog anymore, I
>>> very likely can't retrieve information from the logfiles, either,
>>> without fixing the problem first.
>> As long as it's not the drive itself that went bad you can always
>> connect it to another, working computer.
> Where would I find a working computer which I could use and which has
> the same or at least a compatible hardware RAID controller to connect
> the drives to?

well, most people on Linux are using mdraid to avoid the useless
question about "compatible hardware RAID controller" because it
is pretty useless to have a RAID with a single-point-of-failure
in form the controller

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