On 08/07/2014 02:03 AM, antonio montagnani wrote:
I got a DVD recorded with a Sony DVD player. When I try to make a copy 1:1 using k3b I get the error that seems no available space in temporary folder!!! Temporary folder seems to be /tmp/kde-antonio/sony_dvd_recorder_volume and available space is detected as 1.9GB while project space is 4.2 GB

I tried also with Brasero but copy was incomplete and I wasted a new DVD.

Forgot to say that recorded files on original DVD are ok. (DVD is played fine). Anyway I can't do a copy of Video files on my PC as permits don't allow it.

This is not an answer, but a question: Is there a bit-by-bit copy program that will copy _anything_ exactly, including encoding. so that Antonio's last
comment becomes moot?

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