
I'm running into a problem localizing our application.
The way it should work:
Copy the en.lproj folder to nl.lproj, adjust the texts, and you should have a dutch version. This works in sample applications (so I guess it's not really a problem caused by monobjc)

However, in my application, it does not.
I have the folowing folders with nibs: en.lproj, nl.lproj, fr.lproj

All of these have working nib files.
If I change my preferred OS language to Dutch, I expect to see the nibs from nl.lproj. I see the English ones.
When removing en.lproj, I get no more UI, no menu, ...
All MonobjC shows me is the following error: (upping the MONOBJC_DEBUG level doesn't show more)

633946702097321770 [ERROR] NSApplication - Error while loading the NIB file

It seems as if it simply can't find the nl.lproj folder, even though it is there.
In Finder: app ==> get Info ==> Languages, I can see the 3 languages.

In order to find more info, I tried to loop through the NSBundle.MainBundle.Localizations property. According to the documentation (both MonobjC and Cocoa), this should return an NSArray, with NSStrings of the languages available in the bundle. However, this property does return an NSArray, which contains 3 elements (I'm assuming this is nl, fr and en), but the elements are not NSStrings (I'm getting Id's, casting to NSStrings throws exceptions).
Why aren't these NSStrings?

I'm loading my nib with the line:

According to the MonObjC code, this is just a shortcut to NSBundle.LoadNibNamedOwner("Mainmenu", NSApplication.SharedApplication). According to the MonObjC Documentation of NSBundle.LoadNibNamedOwner, the path where Cocoa looks for the Nibs is determined by the owner. In this case, taht would be NSApplication.SharedApplication.

Is there any way I can see more information, like the exact paths it is looking for?

I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction, or show me a way to get more logging.
Thanks in advance,

- Kenny

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