On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 5:03 PM, <sa...@eng.it> wrote:

> >>>>> "SP" == Stefan P <deubeul...@gmail.com> writes:
> SP> I'm also wondering about contextualization when multiple
> SP> platforms, guest OSes and distributions are concerned, and I keep
> SP> coming back at the conclusion that a properly managed and secured
> SP> DHCP setup is the way to go.
> Not really. Writing a script for  Debian was really simple. The "(not)
> hard (as it  seems) thing" was to  tell udev "use eth0  no matter what
> you may suppose about hardware changes" :)

Exactly ! When you have a few guest images, or only controlled ones, it's
all nice and easy. Although as you mention, you can get into os-specific
things pretty quickly.

Configuring the network on one given windows version is, I'd bet, as easy
as it is to do on debian. So now you have two scripts... What about other
distros, windows versions... OS X ?

My point being, if you're building a cloud that aims to support arbitrary OS
images (maybe made by users), or a large combination of OS versions and
distributions, then DHCP is probably the only sane solution.

> DHCP forces  you to bind an  IP to a MAC  to be sure that  the machine
> gets that  IP each  time it boots.  This can be  or not  an acceptable
> solution depending on what it's needed.

Mhh, yep, I guess what I have in mind is DHCP "the protocol", and DHCP
"the client that's already bundled in all operating systems", and not
any particular or current DHCP servers; they are indeed probably not fine
tuned, in terms of administration scenarios, to our cloudish needs.

For instance, open nebula could provide a minimal, scriptable dhcp server
integrated to onevnet (based on http://pydhcplib.tuxfamily.org/pmwiki/ ?).
Then users would focus on scripting there, rather than in guest images, at
least for ip/network/gateway/resolver configuration.

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