Hi Amber

I have a few questions:
> 1. Does above quoted mail applies to version 2.2.0 (i.e. Do I still need to 
> setup storage, virtualization, networking, users and password-less SSH in 
> v2.2.0 as the quoted mail talks of v2.0 and 1.6)?

OpenNebula Express will handle the ssh keys, the rest should be done
manually, with OpenNebula commands.

> 2. Opennebula express documentation says that the installer does "SSH keys 
> creation". Does this means that password-less SSH is setup for opennebula 
> automatically by express installer?


> 3. My current network topology consists of 1 worker node and 1 frontend 
> server. I installed opennebula express on frontend server. Now, how am I 
> supposed to use "onehost create" on frontend server command to add worker 
> nodes to host pool? From what I understand, the first second command line 
> argument to 'onehost' should be the hostname (i.e. onehost create 
> hostname)....right?

To add a host you need this information:

Hostname of the cluster node or IP
Information Driver to be used to monitor the host, e.g. im_kvm.
Storage Driver to clone, delete, move or copy images into the host, e.g. tm_nfs.
Virtualization Driver to boot, stop, resume or migrate VMs in the
host, e.g. vmm_kvm.

The command would be, for example:
onehost create host01 im_kvm vmm_kvm tm_nfs

Take a look at this guide for more details:


Jaime Melis, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
Major Contributor
OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
www.OpenNebula.org | jme...@opennebula.org
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