Carlos Martín Sánchez wrote on 11/08/11 12:55:

The mechanism you are referring to is the 'onehost sync', it has to be
executed as oneadmin in the front-end.
This will force the hooks and drivers scripts to be copied to the hosts
in the next monitorization cycle.
if 'onehost sync' has to copy hooks scripts from FN to CNs in case if OpenNebula is installed in self-contained mode and $ONE_LOCATION dir in not shared over remote nodes then I wonder in what dir on CNs those hooks will be copied? There are no any hook scripts in $SCRIPTS_REMOTE_DIR. There were no errors in oned.log that hooks couldn't be copied. I need to debug that issue to make ONE works in my deployment scenario. I wonder when hooks and drivers scripts are copied to CNs? When starting one (one start)? When adding new host? During each monitoring cycle? Before performing a corresponding action on remote node?
Is there any link to documentation to read about that?


Carlos Martín
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