Hello Lehel

On 11.12.2011 09:42, biro lehel wrote:
Hello Fabian. First of all, thanks for your answer.

You're welcome.

So, are you telling me, that there is no way for an
application to exploit the advantages of OpenNebula? What is

Not directly, but through the setup with pre-installed VMs which could be started on an as needed basis. But in this VMs your "(cloud) application" needs to be installed and able to run.

The misunderstanding probably comes from the term "Cloud" which is used for at least two different types of clouds. One type of Cloud is to offer a platform to distribute VMs (virtual machines) of pre-installed systems on a cluster of hardware servers which are able to run concurrent VMs. This is was OpenNebula can provide. And the other type of Cloud is an application cloud, like eg. Google Apps [1], which does offer applications (eg. mail, calendar, docs) for a certain user group, but on a shared bigger platform. I do not know if there are any frameworks around to create such application clouds. As far as I know, they are all custom built depending on the needed services.

  [1] http://www.google.com/apps/

Unfortunately the term "Cloud" is such a hype nowadays, that it is used for a lot of stuff and those helping to confuse many. For example Apples iCloud [2] actually is just a centralized storage with some added features to be able to sync apps or pictures to your other iDevices. But this is probably mostly done by the client device, which needs to also connect to the iCloud and waits for new content in your account.

  [2] http://www.apple.com/icloud/

the use of it then? :) Basically, all I want to do is the
following: when I will have OpenNebula set up and running (on
a small scale), I will try to experiment and exemplify its
benefits, by the means of an application that uses the private
cloud. Tests, performance benefits, see how the nodes
communicate, etc. But I don't understand exactly how a web
application (for instance) is made and written such that it
can use OpenNebula, it can exploit the benefits of the running
VM's, so that it can be more performant. How is this whole
integration done? How can an application make use of
OpenNebula? Couldn't it be "published" somehow, such that its
final users (clients) could use it as a service (through
OpenNebula), in a way that is totally transparent to them? I
think what I'm referring to is exactly this "communication
with the outside world" that you were writing about.

Does this application which you would like to offer to clients already exist, or is this something you are developing?

As far as I understand it, you would like to create something like Google Apps and then offer it to potential customers, right?

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