Hi everybody,

I recently upgraded my CentOS Open Nebula installation from 3.4 to 3.6 (Lagoon).

Prior to the upgrade, I noticed my Sunstone dashboard was loading slowly on 
login (the page would load fine, but it took awhile to load the graphs, number 
of hosts, etc). I saw there were some improvements with the Sunstone dashboard 
with this upgrade, so I applied it hoping it would help. Now, my Sunstone 
dashboard doesn't load any stats or graphs... I just see those spinning orange 
dots and the rest of the Sunstone interface does not work either (I'm assuming 
because this information is never gathered).

There are no errors in my logs anywhere that I can find. The only thing I am 
noticing is that ruby scripts are consuming a large amount of CPU resources.

If it helps, I am currently running 13 virtual machines on 9 hosts and all 
"one" CLI commands work fine.

Any help would be appreciated.

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