Instead of just adding the JBoss repository to your repositories in a
pom.xml.   Your best bet here is going to be to install a repository
manager, add all the repositories you need to a repository group, and
then configure your settings.xml to use a single repository group URL.

If you do this, you'll speed up your builds because Maven will only
need to query a single URL when trying to locate an artifact, and
you'll be able to search the group of repositories you have included
in your repository manager.

1. Download a repository manager
2. Add as a proxy repository
3. Add it to a repository group
4. Configure your Maven settings to use a single repo group as a mirrorOf *

An additional benefit is that you will no longer need to use which isn't as full featured as any of the search
capabilities already present in the three main repository managers.
Because the JBoss repository already generates the standard
lucene-based index format, you can just use the search capabilities of
your IDE plugin or your repo manager to search the repositories your
are using.   Make sure to configure your repository manager to
download the remote index for the JBoss repository manager.

Tim O'Brien

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Edelson,
Justin<> wrote:
> As to your second question, m2eclipse will only index the repositories you 
> tell it to. Open up the Index View and you'll see the list of repos.
> Justin
> ________________________________
> From: Harper, Brad []
> Sent: Fri 7/10/2009 6:00 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: dependency on artifact javax.activation:activation version 1.1.1
> While trying to keep our third-party dependencies current, we found that
> [1] reports a version 1.1.1 available for javax.activation:activation
> ... yet no such artifact version appears to exist in the central maven2
> repo.
> On the other hand, [2] reports this version for the JavaBeans Activation
> Framework and references the repo at
> According to content at [3], this version of JAF was announced on
> 2007-Oct-22. The final release is available separately and in Java SE 6
> [presumably via subsequent updates].
> Oddly, an out-of-the-box maven running on the command line can't resolve
> javax.activation:activation:1.1.1, but it seems that m2eclipse can ...
> suggesting that the IDE plugin is hitting the jboss repo [even when the
> installed maven conf/settings.xml doesn't define jboss as a
> <repository>].
> Questions:
>  Shouldn't this artifact version be available from the central repo?
> [Admittedly, the changes in the subject version appear to be minor.]
>  Does m2eclipse hit the jboss repo by default [in addition to central,
> etc.]?
> Brad
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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