Hi all,

I am trying to build a multi-module project with the following layout:

 +-- assembler
 +-- core
 +-- utils
 +-- gui

The module gui depends on both core and utils, while assembler creates a bundle for deployment, and thus depends on the rest of modules.

I want to include the generated sites for core and utils as part of the documentation in the final bundle. For this purpose, I added the following section in the pom.xml of both modules:


But as soon as I add this, the project build breaks. The result is that the site plugin execution makes the lifecycle to be duplicated, or something similar. After a successful install of the "core" module, it tries to execute each lifecycle phase in all modules before going on to the next phase. It tries to compile all modules before installing them and, therefore, it fails in compiling the "gui" module because it does not find the "utils" module at the local repository.

Is there a way to make this configuration work?

Thanks in advance

GRID SYSTEMS, S.A.             Rodrigo Ruiz
Parc Bit - Edificio 17         Analyst/Programmer
07121 Palma de Mallorca
Baleares - Spain

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