The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Resources
Plugin, version 2.4.

The Resources Plugin provides support for copying and filtering files in
the standard resource locations in a Maven build (configured using the
project/build/resources and project/build/testResources sections in the

It also provides similar support for additional, ad-hoc resource
definitions using the copy-resoures mojo.

You should specify this version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Resources Plugin - Version 2.4

** Bug
    * [MRESOURCES-44] -  ${settings.localRepository} is not expanded by
resource filtering
    * [MRESOURCES-48] - Failed to copy full contents from
    * [MRESOURCES-77] - Filters for copy-resources goal in plugin
configuration section are ignored
    * [MRESOURCES-78] - change in @ translation behavior in
maven-resources-plugin 2.3
    * [MRESOURCES-79] - <resources> are filtered by test filters
    * [MRESOURCES-81] - 2.3 escapes characters when filtering properties

** New Feature
    * [MRESOURCES-60] - delimiter configuration


The Maven team

John Casey
Developer, PMC Member - Apache Maven (

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