The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Verifier,
version 1.2

This is a shared library for use in testing various Maven components. It
allows the user to execute Maven builds as part of the testing process,
with methods supporting test preparation and assertion of results.

To use the verifier, add the following to your POM's dependencies section:


Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version maven-verifier 1.2

** Bug
    * [MSHARED-73] - Verifier doesn't throw VerificationException upon
non-zero exit code of mvn.bat on Windows
    * [MSHARED-76] - Verifier executeGoal method is OS-dependent in
case of failure

** Improvement
    * [MSHARED-72] - Use current local repo for forked Maven
invocations by default

** New Feature
    * [MSHARED-75] - Add convenience method to clean (target) directory


-The Maven team

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