You should add these libs to a remote repository of your company's repo
manager. Then it will "just work" for all your developers.


2010/5/9 "Tomáš K." <>

> Hi,
> I'm working on maven project and I need to use embedded eXist database.
> Unfortunatelly, there is only 5 years old version in
> when you download latest 1.4 version, it has all required *.jar bundled - I
> will reference JARs by name in their distribution:
> to run embedded database, you need to add 27 JARs, but some of them are not
> in or the are outdated...
> this JARs are problematic:
> not in the repository (exist database 1.4 libs):
>  exist.jar (1.4)
>  exist-*.jar   * = (lucene-module, ngram-module, optional, modules)
>  sunxacml-1.2.jar
> this are outdated - value in () is available version:
>  quartz-1.6.5.jar (1.6.3->causing some warnings like "mising dependency"
> during project build -> so it is there and it is not in the same time, i
> don't know)
>  serializer-2.9.1.jar (2.7.1)
>  jing-20090920.jar (20030619 - huge difference, but it might work - didn't
> try :-))
> how could I tell maven developers to add required packages to the
> repository?
> thanks
> Tomas
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