If you're working on the projects A and B independently, you need to have
artifact A in a repo first. The easiest way is to do a
mvn install
on project A first. That will "install" that into the local repo so it can
be found/used by other projects (on your computer). So, now you can build
project B.


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 18:26, Rob Greene <robgre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think this is a basic Maven module question, but I'm not spotting
> anything
> via google.  I assume that when unit testing a multi-module project I can
> unit test module-by-module instead of having to do the entire parent
> project.
> Generally, I have a multi-module project hierarchy.  I have the master
> project (P) with modules A and B.  A is an SPI interface project and module
> B depends on A for those interfaces.  I checkout the master project which
> has A and B nested within the project, so all the code is present.  When I
> run unit tests via the master project (P), dependencies work and all unit
> tests run.  When I run just module B's unit tests, Maven complains that it
> cannot find the POM for module A.  These are SNAPSHOT releases, so I assume
> I should be able to have maven locate A's code somewhere.
> The message is "Failed to resolve artifact".  And it reports module A is
> missing.
> Both module A and module B have a parent of P and P has modules A and B.  I
> am using m2eclipse 0.10, but I tried mvn 2.21 from the command line also.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks!
> -Rob

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