On Thu, Jun 03, 2010 at 02:10:51PM -0400, Greg Akins wrote:
> Turns out I missed the requirement for the m2Eclipse extras .. those
> contain the SCM integration plugins.  Looks like Subversive is
> supported by the SCM Integration.. Subclipse requires an additional
> provider.

Aha!  I've been sticking with Eclipse 3.4 for months because, when
trying to check out a Maven project set from SCM, I would get a dialog
demanding to know which SCM using a disabled droplist control.  The
list was empty, because no providers were installed.  Ugh.  It works
now, though I had to AltaVista for "m2Eclipse extras" to find the
separate site on which they live.

How did we miss this?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
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