Start using Nexus? The default setting in Nexus for a hosted repo is to not
allow re-deployments.
You'll have Nexus up and running in less than a day and it will give you a
lot more benefits than this one.


On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 13:21, Eric Rotick <> wrote:

> This might be more to do with SCM than Maven but as Maven seems to have the
> handle on most things I thought I'd ask this list first.
> It is clear that the version contained in the pom is vitally important and
> the process by which a version or revision number is incremented is clear.
> Unfortunately, someone made a mistake of making a significant change to
> some
> source and re-released the jars without changing the version. The result
> was
> that the client application would not talk to the server in certain
> conditions.
> Basically, given our current procedures, this was a problem waiting to
> happen.
> Although it is clear what needs to happen it eludes us how this is
> enforced.
> It seems that we need the ability to write snapshots any number of times
> but
> non snapshots can only be written once and then no more.
> Hmm, I've just thought, maybe this is what the likes of Nexus and
> Artifactory would do, but as you've probably guessed we don't use anything
> like this.
> Could anyone offer advice or practices to stop this happening again.
> Thanks.

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