The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Assembly Plugin, version 2.2

This plugin allows the user to create customized archives based on their project and its dependencies. For example, the assembly plugin is commonly used to create distribution archives for projects.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


NOTE: Release Notes are also available at:

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin - Version 2.2

** Bug
* [MASSEMBLY-94] - moduleSet/binaries doesn't work with assembly:single bound to the build lifecycle * [MASSEMBLY-140] - Assembly descriptor docs are incorrect for dependencySets/dependencySet/excludes * [MASSEMBLY-150] - Clarify or fix <file> relative scoping in assembly descriptor to be module centric or location of mvn execution * [MASSEMBLY-151] - Documentation for the assembly plugin is utterly confusing * [MASSEMBLY-157] - maven assembly plugin, includes/excludes in moduleSet * [MASSEMBLY-167] - Property Expansion/Filtering does not always work for
    * [MASSEMBLY-171] - Fix / speedup integration tests
* [MASSEMBLY-185] - When using different parent and aggregator poms, the assembly plugin does not package the ModuleSets of the aggregator modules
    * [MASSEMBLY-187] - Incorrect FileSet causes infinite loop
* [MASSEMBLY-202] - Silent failure: <outputFileNameMapping> declared with multiple includes * [MASSEMBLY-206] - Filtering does not work when using in fileSet inside moduleSet * [MASSEMBLY-220] - unpacked assemblies render different results when enumerating dependencies vs. using wildcards
    * [MASSEMBLY-228] - UnpackOptions filtered does not work
    * [MASSEMBLY-248] - version was null for junit:junit
    * [MASSEMBLY-289] - Fix bogus warning about attaching non-regular file
* [MASSEMBLY-299] - assembly does not honnor <dependencyManagement> directives * [MASSEMBLY-332] - MANIFEST.MF is not used when specified in configuration for a WAR format assembly * [MASSEMBLY-333] - plugin not correctly interpolating POM variables like ${settings.localRepository} * [MASSEMBLY-337] - dependencySet with unpack=true cannot be used to make file permissions executable * [MASSEMBLY-346] - DependencySets Includes/Excludes Do Not Work Correctly And Type Is Ignored * [MASSEMBLY-360] - When using mulitple Spring dependencies, the files from META-INF (from the Spring jars) overwrite each other in an executable jar-with-dependencies. * [MASSEMBLY-367] - mvn assembly:assembly fails to replace ${parent.parent.version} * [MASSEMBLY-378] - Property expansion in assembly/component descriptors does not escape &, <, >, ", or ' * [MASSEMBLY-392] - Big slowdown on Linux when upgrading assembly plugin from 2.2-beta-1 to 2.2-beta-3
    * [MASSEMBLY-393] - Cannot Override dependencyManagement
    * [MASSEMBLY-403] - No files is added for fileset
    * [MASSEMBLY-420] - maven fails when packing parent pom
* [MASSEMBLY-423] - Specified file modes are used for all the following fileSets * [MASSEMBLY-424] - poor performance of dependencySet in assembly descriptor (compared to using maven-dependency-plugin + fileSet) * [MASSEMBLY-431] - missing files during installing when using goal assembly * [MASSEMBLY-432] - assembly misapplies depMgt and selects the wrong dependency for an archive * [MASSEMBLY-435] - DependencySet: outputDirectory expression using ${artifact.baseVersion} uses equivalent of ${project.baseVersion} * [MASSEMBLY-448] - Assembly plugin's dependency resolution for dependency sets is not inline with maven dependency resolution * [MASSEMBLY-451] - unpackOptions: Documentation on differs from "The definitive Guide", the latter is right * [MASSEMBLY-455] - Incorrect documentation for Pre-defined Descriptor Files * [MASSEMBLY-462] - Assembly contains temporary files ending in *.formatted.
    * [MASSEMBLY-464] - assembly descriptor id should be mandatory
* [MASSEMBLY-469] - Version for artifacts in dependencies section are resolved wrong * [MASSEMBLY-488] - restrict useStrictFiltering option to DependencySets * [MASSEMBLY-490] - Assembly fails with 'Too many files' error when converting line endings.
    * [MASSEMBLY-498] - Unable to get module properties
* [MASSEMBLY-499] - Poor performance in DirectoryArchiver due to unnecessary native calls * [MASSEMBLY-507] - 2.2-beta-6-SNAPSHOT component annotations MAY not work with Maven 2.x
    * [MASSEMBLY-509] - Hudson unable to build with version 2.2

** Improvement
* [MASSEMBLY-66] - Ability to index into a nominated dependency JAR to identify files to include in the assembly (Im thinking .so/.dll etc) * [MASSEMBLY-115] - Should avoid modifying assembly if none of the underlying files have changed. * [MASSEMBLY-204] - Make a single goal (assembly:assembly) that covers all cases of assembly:attached, directory, ... * [MASSEMBLY-209] - Service provider configuration files should be concatenated instead of overwritten * [MASSEMBLY-229] - Documentation of fileMode could be improved to avoid user trip hazard
    * [MASSEMBLY-263] - Include component location information
* [MASSEMBLY-272] - getDescriptor and getDescriptorId should be deprecated.
    * [MASSEMBLY-307] - Better Validation of Assembly Descriptors
    * [MASSEMBLY-486] - ComponentDescriptors to support absolute paths
* [MASSEMBLY-487] - Introduce ${} counterpart for ${}

** New Feature
* [MASSEMBLY-501] - Define a method of using moduleSet/binaries from a child project to gain access to all modules in reactor

** Task
    * [MASSEMBLY-502] - Convert to Java 1.5 Syntax / Requirement

** Wish
    * [MASSEMBLY-288] - Support <moduleSets> in component descriptors


-The Maven team

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