The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
Surefire Plugin, version 2.8

This release includes the maven-surefire-plugin, which executes the
unit tests of an application, the maven-surefire-report-plugin, which
parses surefire/failsafe test results and renders them to DOXIA
creating the web interface version of the test results, as well as the
maven-failsafe-plugin, which executes the integration tests of an

Highlights of this release:
The ability to run a single test method is the new feature in this
A significant memory leak fix for those with really long reactor builds:

**** Note to JUnit4 users upgrading:
Due to SUREFIRE-482 users upgrading to surefire 2.8 from <2.7
may see some (incorrectly defined) tests not being run any more.
This should be verified by running mvn -Dsurefire.junit4.upgradecheck=true
install at least once (this can be run multiple times until you
have fixed all issues)

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.8

** Bug
    * [SUREFIRE-634] - setting "java.library.path" via
systemPropertyVariables or systemProperties is not working
    * [SUREFIRE-689] - Non-working links on the m-failsafe-p site
    * [SUREFIRE-692] - Wrong link to API
    * [SUREFIRE-694] - NPE when empty additionalClasspathElement
    * [SUREFIRE-698] - 4.7 provider ignores junit-dep
    * [SUREFIRE-699] - Remove TestNG from system classpath of forked process
    * [SUREFIRE-705] - Setting both "forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds"
and "parallel" fails with an exception
    * [SUREFIRE-707] - NullPointerException in
ConcurrentReporterManager on testSkipped (@Ignore on test class)
    * [SUREFIRE-711] - OutOfMemoryError while building multi module projects

** Improvement
    * [SUREFIRE-695] - Avoid duplicate code in SurefirePlugin and
    * [SUREFIRE-696] - Improve the design of the class Classpath
    * [SUREFIRE-697] - When the exception message is long or contains
linefeeds, the summary display is not nice
    * [SUREFIRE-700] - Surefire is not isolated from itself
    * [SUREFIRE-702] - Introduce a ClasspathPropertiesMapper class

** New Feature
    * [SUREFIRE-577] - running only some method of a unit class (with

** Task
    * [SUREFIRE-566] - Bump to Doxia 1.1.1


-The Maven team

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