On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:40:23AM -0600, David Hoffer wrote:
> I'm creating a plugin and having trouble getting the container
> (plexus) to configure initial values.  I've started with the
> dependency plugin as a basis and see that somehow mojo parameters get
> set with default values...I assume this is happening by the container
> but what's the secret to making this work?  I've added some new mojo


You add a 'default-value="something"' to the @parameter annotation,
and something (I'm not sure it's plexus, at least not directly) will
evaluate the string value and attempt to convert it to something
compatible with the type of the parameter field, if no value was
configured externally.

The bit that's not well documented is that you can pluck property
values such as ${project.build.directory} out of the model by writing
them in the default-value string.  Apparently this is the proper way
to discover model values and the like, though I've found nothing
authoritative yet that actually says "do it this way".

> parameters following the same convention and they are null at runtime
> (running unit test).  Is there some documentation on the
> creating/wiring of plugin mojos to the container?

Some.  Not enough.  When I figure out some of the missing stuff I will
write some more.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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